Grow your business online

Craig Hoggins
January 14, 2014

How to grow your business online

The internet remains an enigma for a lot of businesses. There are thousands of websites that have never been optimized for people as well as search engines.
Grow your business online

With the latest search technologies, most websites are losing out because of old-style SEO practices. The result is many websites no longer feature high up in the search engine results pages and receive some targeted traffic but do not enjoy high conversion rates because they do not provide answers for the prospective visitor. People visit and quickly leave to find answers elsewhere.

Know what your visitors are searching for

Create a Website with a clear message. Your website should be really easy to navigate and provide people with ways of finding what they are searching for. People should be able to visit your website and be able to quickly find what they are looking for or clearly direct them to the correct pages they are searching for. If what they are looking for is not in plain sight, 60% of your visitors will leave without searching for it, unless they see a way forward easily. Change your message from “Who we are” and “What we have” to “Who are you” and “What can we do for you”.

Provide your visitors with answers

Spot on SEO Google is responsible for at least 90% of all search done on the web. It’s true that old style search engine optimization is a thing of the past. Now Google is using a much more complex method to position your website. It’s no longer about keyword optimization, but more about the concept or the theme of your services. Google will position your website for keyword groups based on what your website theme is. Research and understanding your brand is stepping one before undertaking any project. Advertise online Google Adwords campaigns works very well for targeted advertising.

A campaign can be put together in a fairly short space of time, allowing a good source for leads. The key to running a cost-effective advertising campaign is by being able to monetize your campaign by targeting the right market through researching and understanding what people are searching for that are looking for your services or product. From your conversions, you can be working out your return on investment (ROI) by dividing that with your Cost Per Click (CPC) and be able to refine your advertising further with that data. Split testing techniques also allow us to optimize the advertising campaign to maximize RIO by targeting the right search terms and wording each advert correctly. The mobile market is growing exponentially each year.

With this in mind, it makes perfect sense to gear your online presence with a robust and easy to use the mobile version of your website. Responsive websites that work on all devices is the most popular choice. Some companies go to the extent of having stand-alone android and iPhone apps built, which have their own set of advantages and flaws. Having a mobile presence also brings more visitors locally because people using mobile devices tend to use them a lot for searching for local services.

A Brand with Personality

Social Media is here to stay and it's growing daily. Millions of people visit Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and LinkedIn to mention a few of the biggest service providers on a daily basis. There is much one can do to leverage the power of these platforms by creating the right type of strategy to gain and sustain a following. Brands who use social media correctly are building communities around their brand who become long term loyal customers who support and advertise your brand through likes, shares, invites and commentary.

Quality vs Quantity

Email Marketing Campaign Strategies remains one of the oldest techniques that has been around since email first started. Are you actively collecting your client's email addresses or cellphone numbers? How many clients do you see a day? Can you imagine having all of their details to write to? They are, after all, people who have already spent money with you. Keep reminding them periodically about specials and perhaps some other related services and messages from people, and you're creating a small community network. Leverage that network with social media platforms and this becomes an integrated marketing campaign, building loyalty as well as gaining trust with what you have on offer.

Make your client feel important by asking them important questions and with that, you are able to refine your business and retain your visitors for much longer. This way you will spend less time finding new business with whom you have no relationship, and more time tending a well-established clientele. It all begins with a simple email. This is one example of email marketing. Email Newsletter Opt-In Lists are a very effective marketing tool when the right approach is taken. They want to hear from you. The key to retaining your list is by giving them what they want by asking them what information they would be interested in.

Build a relationship up with everyone on your mailing list by writing to them individually and giving them an opportunity to respond with valuable feedback that will later turn them into trusting clients who have been served with what they wanted. Your Opt-In list is also valuable because they know your business and will often gladly view you a review, which is worth its weight in gold on Google.


Finding business online is all of the above, combined with ongoing research, analysis and refinement until a complete optimization is achieved. Relationship building is the next important ingredient to keep your business growing steadily. None of the above is done in one day. Your goal is to keep on developing your brand through on and offsite marketing.

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