The SEO advantage of Google Plus

Craig Hoggins
January 10, 2017

What a Google Plus account can do for your business

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the collective term for all strategies, techniques and methods used to increase both visitors to your website and your ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs).
The SEO advantage of Google Plus

Creating a Google+ account for your business can significantly help you increase online exposure. “The social network run by Google — the gateway to your business — is a game-changer. It ties together several Google products and delivers many rewards for brands,” writes marketing manager at SolutionsIQ, Pam Dyer, “Google+ places a heavy emphasis on search engine optimization (SEO), which differentiates it from other social media networks like Facebook and Twitter.” As a Google-provided service, Google+ can massively increase your SEO and provide various other marketing and publicity benefits for your brand. It works a lot like Facebook, where you can post titbits of information and share images and links (yours, as well as those from other Google+ users).“ Similar to Facebook’s “like”, Google has “+1” votes.

The more +1’s your pages and posts the better. Those social signal votes, let Google know that what you’re sharing is being read and shared,” says social media guru and Blogger, Timothy Carter.Google+, however, comes with a few more benefits than Facebook and Twitter. Here are some points to identify as to why having a Google+ account can be an inexpensive way to receive a lot more online publicity.

The Top 6 Advantages:

  • It Grows Fast: There are over 500 million users with Google+ “enabled” accounts, 135 million of which are extremely active. This means that Google+ has managed to grow much, much, much faster in popularity than Facebook and Twitter in a shorter amount of time. This means that there is a huge target audience to be potentially exposed to.
  • It Influences Search Ranking: Every time someone +1’s one of your posts it acts like a social recommendation, which Google sees and adds to the value of the content in said post. The more +1’s your posts receive, the higher they will rank in Google search results, which further increases exposure. (Remember to add a +1 Button to the content on your website as well, further increasing your potential recommendations.)
  • It Indexes Posts Faster: Unlike your Facebook and Twitter posts, Google+ posts can be crawled through by the Google spider, which means that your posts are indexed (word for word) with Google as soon as you post it. This also enables your followers to immediately see your posts on their own timelines, and in their search results.
  • It Provides Authorship: If you link your Google+ account with your blog or website, and assuming you add a profile photo, you easily claim authorship of your content. This means that your profile photo and name will appear with your links in search results, which has the tendency to increase the amount of users who click on your links as they appear more genuine and trustworthy.
  • It Allows Local Impact: You can create a Google Local page for your business’s Google+ account, where you can fill in important information, like the location of your business. This information is also indexed by Google, which means that if someone searches for a service that your business provides in or around your area, you are more likely to receive a higher ranking. This can also encourage reviews written by locals who wish to compare services within an area, which further increases exposure.
  • It Increases Communication: Not only can users comment on your posts, which increases your client / customer relationship, but you can also “share” posts from other Google+ users that you follow. Being able to share content that you find useful will help increase its online worth, and those whose content you share may likely return the favour at some point. There is also the chance that users whom you choose to follow will follow you back.

To create and get started with your own Google+ account, read the following Digital Unite article: How to Join Google Plus. And remember, it’s never too late to have your brand join the masses of Google+, and that you have nothing to lose (except time perhaps) when you do, plus it’s free to join. The more social pages you can manage, the more exposure and more exposure can easily lead to increases in popularity and profits.

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