Venting on Social Media & non-mobile friendly websites

Craig Hoggins
August 21, 2013
Social Media

What not to do on Social Media and non-friendly websites

Ok, enough already! This has been bugging me seriously and I need to get it off my chest. Who is this directed at? Social Media managers and businesses that run their own social media profiles.
Venting on Social Media & non-mobile friendly websites

Consider for one moment that more than 50% of all traffic on Facebook comes from Mobile devices. Yes, read that again, 50%!!!!

Facebook Mobile Statistics

by  Socialbakers.

Now, why in the world would you spend a ton of money and time sharing content on social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and the likes that direct users to your website if your website is NOT mobile friendly. Let me explain. I hardly ever access Facebook from my desktop. I usually check it when I’m on the run, waiting for a meeting, having a coffee or have a moment to spare which usually happens from my mobile device.

I have my mobile phone with me practically 24/7 and so do most people. Whilst sipping my coffee I browse Facebook and see content shared with a direct link to a website. I’m interested in the content, website or offer so I click through. I immediately notice I can’t read anything as the text is too small because the site is not optimized for mobile browsing so I click away. HOW FRUSTRATING!

A few things happen from two different perspectives:

  • Me the user
  • Google

Me the user:

I probably will never visit that website again and see the brand in a poor light. Yes I know I’m a digital marketer and understand the intricacies but the man on the street will probably think very similarly. Everything online is only a click away, a split second! Click and I’m gone.


More than likely the website will have Google analytics installed so this brings me to bounce rate. A high bounce rate sends alerts to Google “mentioning” a poor user experience. Google has this as part of their SEO organic ranking algorithm so the higher the bounce rate the poorer your organic rankings will probably be and your website will ultimately be penalized. Google wants to become “one” with the user. They are always considering the user in everything they do. You are destroying your brand and online business if you are ruining the relationship with 2 VERY important “people”, Google and the user.

Things to ask yourself, your social media manager or digital strategist before embarking on a digital campaign:

  1. Will my content be shared on social media websites? It probably will if found naturally and the content is good. This is the nature of our social sharing world today.
  2. Is my website mobile friendly?
  3. Is my target market using mobile devices to access the internet and social media sites?

I implore you, please don’t be sold on a social media and content marketing strategy if you know your website is not mobile friendly. If you are advised by anyone claiming to be a Social Media Guru to have a Social Media campaign and you know your website is not optimized for mobile then run. They do not know what they are doing and all they want to do is take your money. There, I've said it and it’s off my chest.  I hope you found this useful?

Key takeaways:

  1. If you are considering having a website build for the first time then make sure it’s mobile friendly. Every website Online Marketing Guys build is.
  2. If you are considering hiring or doing a social media management yourself, directing people to your existing website then make sure your website is mobile ready.
  3. If you’re approached or if you’re approaching a digital agency for Online Marketing and they suggest a social strategy and they have not recommended a mobile friendly site to you then GET OUT OF THERE FAST.

Feel free to ask a question or drop me a line.

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