Why Email Marketing should not be underestimated in Online Marketing Campaigns

Craig Hoggins
October 15, 2012

Reasons why you shouldn't toss Email Marketing aside

Email marketing seems to get lost in a world dominated by Facebook, Twitter and Google. Online marketing is mostly about the best new strategy, staying on top of the latest trends to get the best results.
Reasons why you shouldn't toss Email Marketing aside

Forgetting about smart email marketing like it’s the ugly stepchild and short-sighted! If you are a small business owner, you should look at adopting email marketing as an effective marketing tool for your company. While social media numbers continue to grow, the fact is, more than 70% of email users check their email more than 6 times per day. This means that sending someone an email is probably the best way to get in touch with your database.

People prefer to receive commercial messages via email. When you have an interesting website and you are selling a certain product or service and people opt into your mailing list, it means they actually want to receive quality promotional offers from you. Do not give in to the urge to buy huge databases online, it will give you the same result as buying ten thousands of twitter followers – no interaction with real people. Real people are the ones who will buy your product. Surveys have shown if you have created your own quality database, more than 60% of the people on it might have already bought a product through email marketing. Believe it or not, many small businesses still do not have an email list at all! Others have huge lists but it's almost never updated or organized. If you are a small business you should start with 2 lists.

Customers already buying your product and customers that you would like to buy your product. You can collect email addresses by giving people an incentive when they opt-in to join your mailing list. People still love receiving gifts for free! Once you have a quality database the next step is to build a great looking newsletter. Share your unique selling points to your database, tell them who you are and what you do and what makes you stand out from the rest.

After introducing yourself and your product, you can now start educating and selling what you have offered to your database. These types of mail campaigns will have a high return on income if you have a strong call to action buttons or clever copywriting.

Tracking the results of your mail campaign is very important for 3 reasons:

  1. Is what I’ve sent out quality
  2. Does it give the correct information the client is looking for and
  3. Did I generate any income from it?

Like any other form of marketing, email isn't a silver bullet but it should be an essential element in any small business marketing strategy. In short – build your lists, introduce yourself, sell your product and track your results. Do you like receiving emails from your favourite shops or suppliers? Leave a comment and let us know.

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