Twitter – Still not getting it?

Craig Hoggins
September 27, 2012
Social Media

Learn the Twitter lingo

Have you been stuck in the Facebook era for far too long? You might have been living under a rock so it seems…
Learn the Twitter lingo

What is Twitter?

Twitter is a free of charge mini-blog service founded in 2006 by Jack Dorsey and Biz Stone. At its heart are 280-character bursts of information called tweets. Users can include links to other content or users in their tweets, and broadcasts can be private or public. To become a Twitter boffin the first step would be to understand the Twitter lingo.

Here is a short breakdown:

Handle: Your username.
Tweet: A 280-character message.‍
Retweet (RT): Sharing also giving credit to someone else’s tweet.‍
Feed: The stream of tweets you see on your homepage. This is updates from the people you follow.‍
Hashtag (#): A way to tag a topic of conversation or participate in a larger linked discussion (#Malema or #RoastZA). A hashtag is a tool that allows others to find your tweets, based on topics. You can also click on a hashtag to see all the tweets that mention it.‍
Mention (@): A way to reference another user by his/her username in a tweet (@craighoggins). Users are notified when (@)mentioned. It’s a way to have discussions with other users in a public space.‍
Direct Message (DM): A private, 280-character message between two people. You may only DM a user who follows you.

Stay subscribed for our next social media update to follow soon. Next time we blog about twittiquette (what do NOT do on Twitter). Follow Online Marketing Guys Director, Craig Hoggins on Twitter: @craighoggins

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