South Africa’s mobile usage

Craig Hoggins
January 9, 2014

Mobile Marketing is happening now

The writing is on the wall. Mobile devices are taking over by storm. Most of us are already using our phones not only to make old-fashioned phone calls but for sending SMS, interacting with friends on Facebook and relying on Whatsapp.
South Africa’s mobile usage

Smartphones are able to handle emails, viewing websites, help us find local services and so forth. People have these devices with them constantly, making it one of the best places to market, build relationships, and advertise services and products.

How does a business benefit from this mobile explosion in the market? Let’s say you have a website that is not mobile friendly. Over the years it has done you well, but recently you have seen a drop in visitors and your inbox is no longer filling up with leads. You may be asking what has gone wrong. Why is my website no longer performing? Two major reasons for this drop in online business are because; People who used to use their computers to access the internet have shifted over and are now using their mobile devices instead because it’s convenient. Google has dramatically changed the way they index web pages and quite possibly this change has affected your visibility in the search engine results. The problem could be your online presence is not catering for this shift. So what can be done to fix the problem?

It’s time to think Mobile!

Mobile marketing is no longer the future. It is happening now and it’s set to grow 5 times in the next decade. If you do not have a marketing solution that caters for the mobile market, you will see greater losses in the years ahead. The good news is that the latest technologies available have made it fairly easy to make the shift over to mobile marketing by having a responsive website that dynamically changes according to the device the content is viewed on. So anyone with a smartphone will easily find your online presence and be able to contact you or buy one of your products, all conveniently done at the push of a few buttons. Other mobile marketing options include USSD marketing (5 Digit numbers) SMS marketing, Local business search through Google maps, Social platform marketing, Marketing through tailor-made apps and mobile tag reader advertising to name some of the strategies.

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